Color Analysis

JaniceThe right colors energize your wardrobe, flatter your face and figure, and make shopping easy.  The Image Enhancement Studio offers several services:

A Color Analysis will use your hair, skin, eye & accessory color to determine your personal season of color.  A representation of your seasonal colors will be draped on you.  You will never wonder if it’s a good color for you to wear again!
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Color ID Unisex Palette for Women, Men, Teens or Children
Includes a color analysis. Receive a 21color chip palette, with at least 210 colors clothes shopping palette which includes jewelry tones, shoe & hosiery information.
Color Analysis, & ID Palette along with a Makeup Application Lesson using makeup colors which will enhance “your” personal coloring.

Six-Panel Color Palette for Women, Men, Teens or Children
Includes a color analysis along with a “custom” skin care lesson.  Receive a 46-48 color fabric swatch clothes shopping palette which includes jewelry tones, shoe & hosiery information.  (This palette not available in some seasons)

Color Analysis & Panel Palette described above along with an Instructional Makeup Application Lesson using makeup colors which will enhance “your” personal coloring.

Seasonal Flow Color Palette for Women, Men & Teens or Children  Includes a color analysis along with a “custom” skin care session.   Receive a 46-48 color fabric swatch clothes shopping palette which includes jewelry tones, shoe & hosiery information.

Color Analysis & Flow Color Palette described above along with an Instructional  Makeup Application Lesson using makeup colors which will enhance “your” personal coloring.

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